University Teaching
I currently teach/co-teach on the following courses at UCL Anthropology: Methods and Techniques in Biological Anthropology (BSc), Biosocial Approaches to Childrearing (BSc), Being Human (BSc), Applied Evolutionary Anthropology (MSc), Biosocial Medical Anthropology (MSc)
In addition, I have taught the following courses: Introduction to Biological Anthropology (BSc), Human Behavioural Ecology (BSc & MSc), Human Behavioural Ecology of Hunter-Gatherers (BSc), Behavioural Ecology and Socio-biology (BSc), Evolution and Human Behaviour (BSc)
A selection of the courses I have taught/currently teach are available below.
Would you like to study what I study? Students on the following courses at UCL are, in general, able to take my courses (restrictions apply): BSc Human Sciences, BSc Anthropology, MSc Human Evolution and Behaviour, MSc Biosocial Medical Anthropology and MSc Medical Anthropology.
For more information on these degrees, visit the UCL Anthropology website.

BSc Intermediate Course, University College London
Getting biosocial
Childhood & Child Development
Parenting & Alloparenting
Cross-cultural comparisons
BSc Intro Course, University College London
Scientific literacy
Hypothesis testing
Introduction to quantitative methods and statistics
Introduction to scientific report writing
Applied Evolutionary Anthropology
MSc Advanced Course, University College London
Evolutionary approaches to public health
"Harmful" behaviours and norms
Intervention design & evaluation
Cross-cultural comparisons