My research expertise surround extended and institutional childrearing in developed populations, and how different aspects of the childrearing system influences children and young people's developmental outcomes.
Humans evolved as cooperative breeders, where children are raised collectively by many caregivers (parents, step-parents, grandparents, siblings, teachers, friends, and more). In my research, I investigate the nature and consequences of such collective childrearing in low-fertility populations with focus on non-maternal caregivers, including immediate kin, extended kin, and institutional support (such as educational institutions and children's social care). I take an interdisciplinary approach to my research, building on a human behavioural ecological framework.
My current research focus is social support, parenting behaviour and developmental outcomes in Japan and England.
Find out more about my projects here.
I have research experience working in academia, charities and the public sector, as well as teaching research methods and human behavioural ecology at university. I am a mixed method researcher with specialism in complex data analysis - such as surveys, censuses and cohort studies.
See my publications. See my pre-prints.