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News and Updates

News & Updates: Events

Funding Success and National Launch


We have received £10,000 from the British Academy to expand our project on maternal social networks and mental health. Building on our pilot project in London, we are now rolling out data collection to the rest of the UK. The project is led by Dr Sarah Myers, and the survey data collection has been launched.

Muslim Mother and Son

Seed Grant: Maternal Social Networks


We have received £2000 to pilot our project on maternal social networks and mental health. We will be using an innovative social network data collection software, Network Canvas, to map out the social support networks of new mothers and their experiences of bonding and emotional health.

Sporty Teens

Website Now Live!

18th March 2018

Our website for the Adolescent Sociality Across Cultures Project is now live. To find out more about the project, please visit the website.

YAY Flag

Funding Success

17th December 2018

We have received £50,000 to support our Adolescent Sociality Across Cultures Project  from ESRC-AHRC. We will work with schools and teens in Japan and England over the next 18 months, and develop a pilot survey.


Mother-Infant Health Workshop

11th February 2019 @UCL

Save the date for an interdisciplinary workshop on Mother-Infant Health! Co-organised by me, Dr Abigail Page and Dr Sarah Myers, we will explore how evolutionary approaches to maternal and child health can be integrated with other disciplines such as epidemiology and sociology. This workshop is being funded by the European Human Behaviour and Evolution Association.

Brain Sketch

Research Talk

22nd November 2018, UCL Blakemore Lab

I will be presenting my project ideas on Adolescent Sociality in England in Japan - a cross-national project on adolescent social networks and adolescent communication in collaboration with University of Tokyo.


Research Talk

4th September 2018, University of Tokyo

I presented my research thesis on collective child-rearing in the UK at the Evolutionary Anthropology Lab, University of Tokyo.


Teen Views on Adolescence

09th August 2018, UCL

Our summary report and workshop materials are now freely available. Download the report to find out more about teen views on adolescence! Feel free to use the materials to organise your own workshop.

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